McNaughton Aviation
Launch WebsiteAbout
The Client
McNaughton Aviation’s intent is to provide the most stress-free environment possible for aviation checkrides, to enhance the applicant’s ability to do the best job they can. McNaught Aviation also provides a fair, objective evaluation to all applicants to the best of Mac’s ability, and leave the applicant with a positive, favorable impression of Mac, the testing process, and the Federal Aviation Administration.

About this project
McNaughton Aviation came to us when Mac decided to figure out a way to have people schedule a time online for their checkride. We started by figuring out a better way to brand McNaughton Aviation and created an updated branding package for him. Creating a highly informative website with the ability to schedule checkrides was the next step in creating an online presence for McNaughton Aviation.
Key Features:
- NAnimated modules
- NDivi framework
- NResposive web design
- NAcuity scheduling